White House Says Three U.S. Soldiers Killed in Jordan Drone Attack

The White House reports three U.S. soldiers killed in the Jordan drone attack, attributing it to Iran-backed groups.

The U.S. Central Command confirmed in a statement on Sunday that a drone attack targeting a facility near the Syrian border in northeastern Jordan resulted in the deaths of three American soldiers. In response, US President Joe Biden considers his options, calls for retaliation against the drone strike on the US military base in Jordan resound.


Three American Soldiers Killed

On Sunday, the Pentagon shared heartbreaking news – three American soldiers lost their lives, and 34 others were injured in a drone attack on a base near the Jordan-Syria border. The authorities revealed that this unfortunate incident occurred during the night.

The incident happened at Tower 22, a remote logistics station where the borders of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq meet. A U.S. military officer reported a drone attack on the outpost, causing injuries from cuts to brain trauma near living quarters. With rising tensions in the Middle East after the bombings in Israel on October 7, the killing of American service members, many of whom were military reservists, will likely increase pressure on President Biden to consider stronger retaliatory measures.

Notably, this marks the first time American soldiers in the Middle East have faced enemy fire since the beginning of the Gaza War, making it a significant moment. Following the incident, the U.S. government may take tough measures, have diplomatic talks, and conduct investigations.

White House Reports Three U.S. Soldiers Killed In the Jordan Drone AttackKilled in Jordan Drone Attack
White House Reports Three U.S Soldiers Killed In the Jordan Drone Attack


Mr. Biden Response

According to New York Times, “Mr. Biden said in a statement on Sunday, “Three U.S. service members were killed — and many wounded — during an unmanned aerial drone attack on our forces stationed in northeast Jordan near the Syria border “While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.”

Speaking later in Columbia, S.C., Mr. Biden said, “We lost three brave souls.” The president then led a moment of silence, before adding, “We shall respond.”

White House Says Three U.S. Soldiers Killed in Jordan Drone Attack
White House Says Three U.S Soldiers Killed in Jordan Drone Attack


Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III Response

In a response Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III also blamed Iran-backed militias for the ongoing attacks on American troops in the area, though he did not specify which nation was behind the attack.

He said that the president and I will not tolerate attacks on American forces, and we will take all necessary actions to defend the United States, our troops and our interests.

White House Says Three U.S. Soldiers Killed in Jordan Drone Attack
White House Says Three U.S Soldiers Killed in Jordan Drone Attack


Targeted Attack Occurs Beyond Our Borders on American Base: Jordan

After the announcement of the killing of three American soldiers and injuries to 34 others by a drone coming from Syria by the US Department of Defense. Jordan’s Minister of Transportation and government spokesperson, Muhannad Al Mubaidin, has confirmed the attack on American forces.

According to information, the attack resulted in the death of three American soldiers near the Jordanian borders in the Syrian region.

He informed the official channel “Al-Mamlaka” that “this attack occurred near the Jordanian border within Syria. This incident did not take place inside Jordan. The target of this attack was the Al-Tanf base in Syria.



No Connection to Attacks in Jordan: Iran Rejects U.S. and British Allegations

Iran has denied U.S. and British allegations that it supported resistance groups involved in drone attacks in Jordan.

As per Iran’s official news agency, ‘IRNA,’ spokesperson Naser Kanaani stated, “These claims are made with specific political objectives to manipulate the realities of the region.”

Kanaani stated on Monday that Iran considers these allegations baseless. Ongoing U.S. attacks in Syria and Iraq, coupled with Gaza conflict, heighten regional instability.

He also clarified that the “resistance groups” do not take orders from the Islamic Republic. Iran’s U.S. mission stated no involvement in the attack on the American military center.

Additionally, such incidents can have broader implications for international perceptions of stability and security in the affected region. The aftermath of the attack may involve investigations, diplomatic discussions, and potential harsh responses from the U.S. government.


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