Japanese Police Arrest Suspect in 50-Year-Old Bombing Case!

In 1974, a bomb was installed and detonated in a Tokyo Ginza house, causing considerable destruction in a notable incident. Now, Japanese police arrest a suspect in this 50-year-old bombing case.

The arrest of a person claiming to be Stoshi Kiyoshima, a fugitive wanted for bombings dating back 50 years, has sent shockwaves across Japan. As the authorities await the results of a DNA test to confirm his identity, the nation is on edge, grappling with the perplexity of this unexpected turn of events.


The Decades-Long Hunt for Stoshi Kiyoshima

For decades, police stations across Japan displayed posters of Stoshi Kiyoshima, featuring a seemingly cheerful image of the wanted criminal. For many years, the youthful, bespectacled, and long-haired mugshot of Satoshi Kirishima, now seventy years old, has been shown on “wanted” posters outside police stations all around Japan. The long pursuit has now taken an unexpected twist with the recent apprehension of a man near Tokyo, asserting himself to be Stoshi.

Japanese Police Arrest Suspect in 50-Year-Old Bombing Case!
Japanese Police Arrest Suspect in 50-Year-Old Bombing Case!


The Claim and Identity Crisis

The individual in custody asserts his affiliation with the East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front, a militant group associated with left-wing extremism. Under an alias, he admitted to a hospital; claiming to be part of the group responsible for bombings in Tokyo during the 1970s.


The Militant Group’s Dark Past

The East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front left an indelible mark on Japan’s history, targeting multiple companies with bombings between 1972 and 1975. Notorious for their acts of violence, the group aimed to voice its dissent through radical means, causing significant casualties and damage.


Past Arrests

Prior to this recent development, the Japanese authorities had arrested nine individuals associated with the group, resulting in six convictions. The group’s bombing at Mitsuboshi Heavy Industries in 1974 claimed the lives of eight people. This tragic incident left scars that still resonate in the nation’s collective memory.


Stoshi’s Alleged Crimes

Authorities accuse Stoshi Kiyoshima of violating laws pertaining to explosive substances, specifically in serial bombing attacks on companies. In 1974, a bomb was installed and detonated in a Tokyo Ginza house, causing considerable destruction in a notable incident.


The Unveiling After 49 Years

After almost half a century of eluding authorities, Stoshi has been located, now at the age of approximately 70. Hospitalized in Kamakura, Japan, he initially gave a false name but later wished to use his “real name” before death.

According to NHK reports the man, entering the hospital incognito, has terminal cancer. And he also disclosed his true identity as Kirishima to staff. On Thursday, Tokyo police sent investigators to the hospital after receiving information. However, they are swiftly working to verify the man’s identity with a DNA test.


Awaiting DNA Confirmation

Eagerly awaiting the results of Stoshi’s DNA test, the police have left the nation in suspense. His true identity’s revelation would conclude a long manhunt and provide closure for victims and families.



Japanese authorities detaining a man, reportedly Satoshi Kirishima, inspired this story, according to The Japan Times.



The unfolding saga of Stoshi Kiyoshima’s arrest has resurrected memories of a tumultuous era in Japan’s history. The nation eagerly awaits the DNA test results, wondering if this revelation brings closure or more questions.


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