Indian Farmers Continue Protests Despite Section 144 in Delhi

New Delhi: Despite the imposition of Section 144 in Delhi, Indian farmers continue their protests. The “Delhi Chalo March” by Indian farmers enters its third consecutive day, even as police maintain Section 144 in Delhi and its surrounding areas for a month.

According to reports, Indian police have set up barricades on all roads leading to Delhi, while Indian farmers have announced the disruption of railway services across Punjab starting today. Protesters warn of nationwide railway shutdown if demands are not met. Indian Today reported that Indian farmers responded uniquely to tear gas shelling by police, using mud on their faces and utilizing sacks as masks to mitigate the toxic effects.


During the “Delhi Chalo March” ongoing for three days, farmers have threatened to block trains at seven locations, launching the “Rail Roko” campaign. Despite police brutality, farmers remain steadfast in their protests.


They highlight their resolve against the Modi government’s oppressive policies by deciding to continue the march. It’s worth noting that after a successful prolonged protest against contentious agricultural reforms three years ago, the farmers have once again raised the slogan of “Delhi Chalo.”


Farmers assert that their major demands, including setting minimum support prices for crops, remain unaddressed. So, to protect their rights, Indian farmers continue their protests despite the imposition of Section 144 in Delhi. India’s large agrarian population holds significant political sway, and there’s a risk of renewed protests ahead of the upcoming national elections scheduled for April. Official figures indicate that two-thirds of India’s population of over 1.4 billion is dependent on agriculture, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the country’s total national output. If the government mishandles this protest, it could potentially become a disaster in the upcoming elections.


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